Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Camping teast for the boys, over easter weekend! GRATE IDEA!!

My husband and I were talking about wanting to go camping this summer. We are very outdoorsy people, but since having our oldest boy, we haven't been camping but once! At this point were wondering how out two boys would do camping out in the wilderness... well, not wanting to waste money on gas, and the time to drive out of the city to find out we decided that trying it out in the back yard was best. my oldest (Kie) is almost 2 now, and we wanted to see how HE would sleep in a tent.
Kie and Daddy cooking their dogs
I shouldn't have been too surprised when he wanted to go inside to his warm and comfy bed instead of sleeping in the tent.  We set the tent up in the back yard, and took apart an older BBQ grill to make a fire place. Kie loved to 'cook' his dinner over the fire while sitting with daddy!  He was very ex sided to realize that he could actually eat the hotdog at the end of the stick he was holding! All this time, the baby(Xander), was sleeping in the tent! Xander would do grate camping... but big brother isn't quite ready yet! LOL
 <----- His reaction when I told him that he could eat the hotdog for dinner.

Home made pedilite drink for kids and adults!

Do It Yourself Electrolyte Drink 

When our kids get sick my husband and I automatically go, "we need pedilite" but it gets coustly when you have a whole wave of sickness hitting your house. (those who have more than one kid know what I mean!) So we started the surch for a drink that did the same thing but that we can make at home, and it cost less for more!

You will need 1 cup of apple juice (any brand is good), 2 cups of water, 1 teaspoon of salt and the juice of 1 lemon.  All you have to do is mix it all together and enjoy (in between coughs that is :) ) DON'T FORGET that the juice dose need to be refrigerated, and is best served cold. If whom ever has a sore through warm 1 cup at a time to perverse the whole 'batch'.

Arthritis anyone? This may just help!

Arthritis Home Remedies

First off, a healthy diet is recommended. NO "junk foods" or foods with lots of dressing, and fried food. This will make your arthritis worsen! Junk foods, dressings, and fried foods are considered the "triggers" of arthritis. Try to avoid these triggers to help keep your joints and body healthier. 


 You will need a 3 inch piece of fresh ginger, and olive oil. First you peel and mince your ginger finely. Then, you mix with just enough olive oil to make a paste. After you get a paste apply to your painful joint. It might be helpful to you if you wrap your joint that has the paste as to hold the past in place.  apply for 10-15 minuets then wash off with warm water. NOTE:: For extra relief warm the  paste before applying!


 You will need, 2 cups of fresh mint leaves, olive oil, 1 table spoon of rubbing alcohol, and 3-4 drops of tincture of benzine. First you will loosely fill a small jar with your mint leaves. Cover with olive oil to fill jar, and add alcohol. Set jar on a sunny window to seep for 2 weeks. Then, Add tincture of benzine to preserve. store in cool dark place. And rub on joints as needed.